There are several ad blockers that you can use to block ads on Twitch. One popular option is AdBlock, which is a browser extension that is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Other options include uBlock Origin and AdGuard. To use an ad blocker on Twitch, simply install the ad blocker of your choice in your web browser and then visit Twitch. The ad blocker will automatically adblock for twitch and other websites that you visit. Please note that ad blockers can sometimes interfere with the functionality of some websites, so you may need to disable the ad blocker or whitelist certain sites if you experience any issues.

An ad blocker is a software program that is designed to block advertisements from being displayed on a computer or mobile device. Ad blockers can be installed as browser extensions or as standalone programs. They work by identifying and blocking the code that is used to display ads on a webpage. Ad blockers are often used to improve the user experience by removing unwanted and potentially annoying or intrusive ads from webpages. Some people also use ad blockers to protect their privacy, as advertisements can sometimes track a user's online activity and target them with personalized ads. Ad blockers can block all types of ads, including banner ads, pop-up ads, and video ads.

Amazon owns the live-streaming video platform Twitch. It is primarily used for streaming video games, but it also has a category for "creative" content, which includes art, music, and talk shows. Twitch was launched in 2011 and has since become one of the leading platforms for streaming video games and esports tournaments. It has a large community of users, who can subscribe to channels, follow their favourite streamers, and interact with them through a chat feature. In addition, to live to stream, Twitch also offers on-demand playback of past streams and a library of user-generated video content.

AdGuard is an ad blocker and online privacy protection tool. It is available as a browser extension or as a standalone program. AdGuard can block all types of ads, including banner ads, pop-up ads, and video ads, as well as tracking and analytics scripts that may compromise your privacy. AdGuard also has features that allow you to customize your ad blocking experience, such as the ability to create your own filters and whitelist certain websites. In addition to blocking ads, AdGuard can also improve your online security by blocking access to phishing and malware websites. It is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Here are a few popular ad blockers that you can use to block ads on Twitch:

These are just a few examples, and there are many other ad blockers that you can use to block ads on Twitch. Some ad blockers are free to use, while others require a subscription or one-time purchase fee